Well, I'm on a bit of a roll, so I may as well do one more to catch up. That leaves only two more that would catch me up. Back on the subject of home making. I have had a sweet lettle pond in my front courtyard for about 6 yrs. I was fond of the pond, but it was messy. Always had to be cleaned. The area surrounding the pond frequently looked messy. Over grown, some dying off, and leaves from the magnolia tree on everything. I decided to remove the pond and just lay stone and make a courtyard for sitting. I had a workman that was going to take care of a lot of the manual labor for me. First we had to remove the pond and fill in the big whole, then clear all the growth out of the area.
This shot was taken at night, but you get the idea. Lot of ferns and fallen leaves. The pond is a plastic form, it came out pretty easy and the space was cleared and the whole filled. My worker came to help lay the flagstone, after we picked them up in my car. Fortunately for me, we didn't get enough. I had to go back and it took a good while and the worker had to go start anther job. I say, that was fortunate, because when I saw what he had done, it was not good. It wasn't level and there was big gaps between stones. He had covered half of the area also. SO I picked it all up and made some calls for estimates to have it done. Hardee Har Har. It is really expensive to get that done. And frankly, I didn't want to pay anyone that much, when it knew it would only take some elbow grease. So, I knuckled down and put down the stone.
After I laid it, I swept sand into the spaces. It looks better and brighter, and now I only have to sweep it. But I am not really happy with it. It i fin for now, it will get me through a few months that I don't have time to mess with it, but I want some one to come and do a professional job. So I hope to have a pretty porch post for you by april!
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