Monday, June 3, 2013


Yum! What a delicious summer dinner! I'm so thrilled  to have a grill again. We stand firmly on the charcoal side of grilling. We love the flavor of grilling over coals, but... this Weber is an amazing combination! Gas grill starter, that fuels your charcoal! Quick easy, press of  a button and the grill is flaming! Very easy and convenient. I don't have to beg the Hubs to get the grill started, I just go out and do it myself.
So, tonight it was blackened Fish! I don't use the charcoal flavoring as much for this, as I use one of my many cast iron grills! You have to use the cast iron for blackening, but to blacken inside without an industrial exhaust fan is miserable. So as soon as I get the flames going on the grill, I place the cast iron pan over it and let it start a heatin'.
eventually you will see the color creep into the pan. Certainly not red, that would be ridiculous! But it lightens up, and when it does its time for the fish! we really like Paul Prudhommes blacken seasonings. I get the redfish, and use it on everything. So I cover one side of the fish with some spray oil and the seasoning, when the pan has lightened up noticeably, I slap the fish into the pan, seasoning side down.
I used Tilapia tonight, but grouper or snapper or orange roughy, most solid white fish will do nicely.
I give it about 4 mins, then flip. The standard rule being 10 minutes per inch of thickness, when blackening, the heat is so high, I go a little less.
I had already cooked my Okra. I found a very large purple Okra at the produce stand this week, I'm so sorry I never took a picture because it was lovely! This : is the most amazing Okra recipe ever! (that I have found so far) To this I add, Trader Joe's smoke seasoning, liquid smoke ( a good dollop) kosher salt and pepper. But I follow the cooking instructions of the recipe. LOVE THIS STUFF!
I was then trying to add a light salad. My husband isn't big on salad, but he loves bruschetta. SO I made a bruschetta salad. I diced tomatoes and did a chiffonade of basil, with salt and pepper. Separately I made garlic butter croutons. When the fish and the okra was on the table, I added the croutons to the tomatoes and Voila!! Bruschetta salad.
It was a most delicious summer dinner. Fish, fresh vegetable and fresh tomatoes. Life is good!

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